The good name of our company on the market is due in no small measure to the virtuous approach we adopt in our business dealings, and to relations with our stakeholders.
At Lavor, we are convinced that a company can achieve great things only if it is inspired by strong and positive values like those which characterized our founders, and which we continue to keep alive today: probity, skill, team spirit and flair for innovation.
The Lavor Code of Ethics gives a clear statement as to our principles of conduct, based on transparency and confidentiality, to areas of application, and to the company’s commitments regarding internal and external relations.
Ethic code 2021
MODELLO DI ORGANIZZAZIONE E GESTIONE AI SENSI DEL D. LGS. 231/2001Il D. Lgs. 231/2001 ha introdotto una nuova forma di responsabilità degli enti per alcune tipologie di reati commessi dai propri amministratori e dipendenti, nonché dai soggetti che agiscono in nome e per conto della Società.
La No. 80 Huacheng West Road,Yongkang City, Zhejiang, China, in ossequio al D. Lgs. 231/2001, ha istituito formalmente un proprio Modello Organizzativo di Gestione e Controllo, consultabile al seguente link:
Modello parte generale.Il Modello adottato nasce dall’esigenza, oltre che normativa, di affrontare con esiti positivi la complessità delle situazioni in cui la Società si trova ad operare, definendo con chiarezza l’insieme dei valori ai quali si ispira e che desidera vengano rispettati.
In nessun modo la convinzione di agire a vantaggio della Società può giustificare l’adozione di comportamenti in contrasto con questi principi.
Il Modello si compone di una “Parte generale” e di una “Parte speciale”, in cui sono definite le diverse tipologie di reati ed illeciti da prevenire.
La Società ha altresì istituito un Organismo di Vigilanza, che ha il compito di monitorare costantemente l’osservanza del Codice Etico e del Modello da parte di tutti i destinatari, nonché di controllare l’attuazione delle prescrizioni in essi contenute.
SEGNALAZIONI ALL’ORGANISMO DI VIGILANZANo. 80 Huacheng West Road,Yongkang City, Zhejiang, China ha adottato una procedura gestionale delle segnalazioni ricevute dall’Organismo di Vigilanza della Società, in cui sono stati istituiti canali informativi idonei a consentire la comunicazione di segnalazioni su eventuali violazioni del Codice Etico e del Modello di Organizzazione e Gestione.Tali comunicazioni e segnalazioni sono gestite dall’Organismo di Vigilanza, composto da soggetti interni ed esterni alla Società.
I dipendenti, i clienti e gli esterni possono inviare, con la massima garanzia di riservatezza, segnalazioni circostanziate di fenomeni illeciti e comportamenti sospetti, di irregolarità nella conduzione aziendale, di atti o fatti che possano costituire una violazione delle norme, interne ed esterne, che disciplinano l’attività della No. 80 Huacheng West Road,Yongkang City, Zhejiang, China, dei principi e delle regole di comportamento contenuti nel Codice Etico e nelle previsioni del Modello 231.
I dati personali acquisiti all’interno delle segnalazioni sono trattati nel pieno rispetto della vigente normativa sulla privacy (decreto legislativo 20 giugno 2003, n. 196, così come modificato dal D. Lgs. n. 101/2018, e Reg. UE 2016/679), con particolare riguardo all’identità del segnalante.
Ad eccezione dei casi in cui sia configurabile una responsabilità a titolo di calunnia e/o di diffamazione, ai sensi delle disposizioni del codice penale o dell’art. 2043 del codice civile, e delle ipotesi in cui l’anonimato non è opponibile per legge (es. indagini penali, tributarie o amministrative, ispezioni di organi di controllo), l’identità del segnalante viene protetta in ogni contesto successivo alla segnalazione.
Pertanto, fatte salve le eccezioni di cui sopra, l’identità del segnalante non può essere rivelata senza il suo espresso consenso e tutto il personale, a qualunque titolo coinvolto nella gestione di una segnalazione, è tenuto a mantenere la massima riservatezza, nel rispetto della normativa vigente in tema di privacy, considerando ogni informazione come “sensibile”.
Ogni segnalazione attinente all’attuazione del Modello può essere inoltrata all’Organismo di Vigilanza, all’indirizzo e-mail di seguito indicato:
Modulo da compilare per effettuare una segnalazione all’OdV:
Modulo segnalazione
Modulo di segnalazione
Modello di organizzazione 231
On this page the methods for the management of the site with reference to the processing of the personal data of users that visit the site are described.
It is a privacy policy issued pursuant to art. 13 of European Regulation 2016/679 to those who interact with the company’s web services.
The privacy policy is issued only for this site and not also for other websites that may be visited through links.
The privacy policy identifies a number of minimum requirements for the collection of personal data online and, specifically, the methods, the times and the nature of the information that the data controllers have to provide to users when they connect to, regardless of the purpose of connection.
THE “DATA CONTROLLER”Data relating to persons identified or identifiable may be processed further to visiting this site.
The “data controller” is No. 80 Huacheng West Road,Yongkang City, Zhejiang, China, in the of its temporary legal representative.
PLACE OF DATA PROCESSINGProcessing activities connected with the web services of this site take place at the registered office and are carried out only by technical staff of the Office appointed for processing, or by staff assigned with occasional maintenance operations.
No datum deriving from the web service is communicated or disseminated.
The personal data provided by users that forward requests for the sending of informative material (bulletins, CD-ROMs, catalogues, price lists, responses to questions, various documents, etc.) are used solely to perform the service or assistance requested.
The information systems and software procedures relied upon to operate this web site acquire personal data as part of their standard functioning; the transmission of such data is an inherent feature of Internet communication protocols.
It is information which is not collected to be associated with identified data subjects, but by its nature could, through processes and associations with data held by third parties, permit the users’ identification.
This data category includes the IP addresses and/or the domain names of the computers and terminal equipment used by any user, the URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses of the requested resources, the time of such requests, the method used for submitting a given request to the server, returned file size, the numerical code relating to server response status (successfully performed, error, etc.), and other parameters related to the user’s operating system and computer environment.
These data are used solely for the purpose of extracting statistical information on use of the site and to check the correct functioning of the services and are erased immediately after processing. The data could be used for ascertaining liability in the event of alleged cybercrime to the detriment of the site: with the exception of this case, at present data regarding website contacts are not kept for more than seven days.
Data provided voluntarily by the user
The optional, explicit and voluntary forwarding of electronic mail to the addresses indicated on this site implies the subsequent acquisition of the address of the sender, necessary for responding to requests, as well as any other personal data included in the message.
Specific privacy policies will be progressively reported or visualized in the website page for particular requested services.
USE OF COOKIESWith regards to the method of use of cookies, reference should be made to the additional and specific “full privacy policy” published on this site and drawn up on the basis of what is provided for by the Provision issued on 8 may 2014 by the Italian Data Protection Authority, which integrates and completes this document.
OPTIONAL PROVISION OF DATAApart from what is specified for browsing data, the user is free to choose whether or not to provide personal data. Failed provision may imply the impossibility to obtain what has been requested.
METHODS OF PROCESSINGPersonal data are processed with automated instruments for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they have been collected.
Specific security measures are adopted to prevent the loss of data, unlawful or incorrect use and non-authorized accesses.
TRANSFERS TO FOREIGN COUNTRIESAny transfers of personal data to a foreign country outside the European Union or to an international organization shall occur on the basis of an adequacy decision by the Commission or, in the event of transfers as per articles 46, 47 or 49, second paragraph, of the European Regulation, on the basis of appropriate and suitable guarantees.
DATA SUBJECTS’ RIGHTSThe data subjects to whom the personal data refer have the right, at any time, to request access to the data and their modification, cancellation, limitation of processing, the right to oppose their processing, besides the right to portability of the data; they also have the right to submit a claim to the Control Authority.
Requests should be addressed to the Data Controller or to the Manager of the protection of personal data (DPO) to the email address
This privacy policy has been drawn up and issued pursuant to art. 13 of European Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter also referred to more simply as the European Regulation), which introduced significant legislative developments.This privacy policy, therefore, updates and replaces any previous versions issued before now.
Having stated the above, it should be noted that:
1) by effect of the establishment of a business relationship and during the course of such relationship, our company will need to collect and process your personal data;
2) the following definitions given by the aforementioned European Legislation are herewith provided for the purpose of clarity:
PERSONAL DATAany information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person;
WE HEREBY INFORM YOUthat the collection and processing of your personal data shall be carried out by the undersigned company in compliance with the following:
1. purpose: the data will be processed for the correct fulfilment of accounting, tax, commercial and technical obligations and for all business activities in general related to the business relationship in force;
2. advertising purposes: the data may be used, subject to specific and explicit consent, also for the sending of advertising/communication material by post, e-mail, telephone, fax, text message and similar; after having giving consent, it is, however, your right to oppose the processing of your data for this purpose at any time and without expense;
3. procedures: the data will be processed with both paper and electronic/computerised/telematic instruments/forms, in full compliance with the law, according to principles of lawfulness and fairness and so as to safeguard your privacy;
4. optional provision of data: the provision of data is optional and not compulsory;
5. consequences of refusal: the refusal to provide data or the opposition to their processing, may imply the impossibility of continuing any business relationship or relationship of any other nature with our company; denial of the use of the data for the sending of advertising material/communication shall not have any consequence on present or future relations;
6. persons or legal entities or categories of persons or legal entities (addressees) to which the data may be communicated or disseminated: the data will be processed for the correct fulfilment of accounting, tax, commercial and technical obligations and for all business activities in general related to the business relationship in force;
7. persons tasked with processingthe data shall be processed exclusively by suitably authorized company staff working in the administrative and commercial sector;
8. automated decision-making processes (e.g. profiling)automated decision-making processes are not applied in any way;
9. rights of the data subjectyou have all the rights provided for by the European Regulation, including the right to request access to personal data and their modification, their cancellation, limitation of the processing, the right to oppose their processing, besides the right to the portability of the data. You also have the right to submit a complaint to the Control Authority;
10. transfers to third party countriesany transfers of personal data to a third party country outside the European Union or to an international organisation shall occur on the basis of an adequacy decision by the Commission or, in the case of transfers as per articles 46, 47 or 49, second paragraph, of the European Regulation, on the basis of appropriate and suitable guarantees;
11. data storage periodthe data shall be stored for a period which is strictly necessary to deal with the data subject’s requests or on the basis of what is provided for by current regulations or by any contractual clauses;
12. data controllerthe data controller is No. 80 Huacheng West Road,Yongkang City, Zhejiang, China, con sede in Pegognaga (MN), Via J.F. Kennedy n. 12, in the person of its temporary legal representative;
13. data protection officer the company has appointed a DPO pursuant to Article 37 of the GDPR and can be contacted for requests for information or clarifications at the email address
dpo@lavor.comPegognaga (MN), 20/03/2020
Il titolare del trattamento
No. 80 Huacheng West Road,Yongkang City, Zhejiang, China
1) further to your visits to this site, the completion of forms, the receipt of your requests/queries, preliminary contact, market surveys and research, the possible establishment of commercial relations, our company will collect and process your personal data;
2) the following definitions given by the aforementioned European Legislation 2016/679 are herewith provided for the purpose of clarity:
Personal data: any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person;
Processing: any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.
Having stated the above, in compliance with article 13 of European Regulation 2016/679,
we hereby inform youthat the collection and processing of personal data shall be carried out by our company in compliance with the following:
general purposes: the data shall be processed to meet your requests/answer your queries, for the correct execution of bureaucratic, accounting, fiscal and technical procedures and for business activities which are compulsory by law and, in any case, strictly associated with the business relations in force;
“direct marketing” purposes”: your data may be used, only and exclusively subject to your free, optional, specific and explicit revocable consent at any moment, also for the sending of advertising material/communications by post, e-mail, telephone, fax, sms and mms messages and similar instruments; after having given your consent, it is, in any case, your right to object, at any time and without charge, the processing of your data for this purpose;
procedures: the data will be processed with both paper and electronic/computerised/telematic instruments/media, in full compliance with the law, according to principles of lawfulness and fairness and so as to safeguard your privacy;
optional provision of data: the provision of your data is optional and not compulsory;
consequences of refusal: the refusal to provide data or the opposition to their processing for the purposes as per point a), may imply the impossibility of satisfying some of your requests; denial of the use of the data for the purposes as per point b), shall not have any consequence on the recognition of benefits bound to promotions or outstanding relations;
persons or categories of persons (addressees) to which the data may be communicated or disseminated: personal data may be communicated to third parties only for the fulfilment of legal or contractual obligations. The data shall, in no event, be disseminated;
persons tasked with processing: the data shall be processed exclusively by suitably authorized company staff working in the administrative, marketing, IT and commercial sector;8.
automated decision-making processes (e.g. profiling): automated decision-making processes are not applied in any way;
rights of the data subject: you have all the rights provided for by the European Regulation 2016/679, including the right to request access to personal data and their modification, their cancellation, limitation of the processing, the right to oppose their processing, besides the right to the portability of the data. You also have the right to submit a complaint to the Control Authority;
transfers to third party countries: any transfers of personal data to a third party country outside the European Union or to an international organisation shall occur on the basis of an adequacy decision by the Commission or, in the case of transfers as per articles 46, 47 or 49, second paragraph, of the European Regulation, on the basis of appropriate and suitable guarantees;
data storage period: the data shall be stored for a period which is strictly necessary to deal with the data subject’s requests or on the basis of what is provided for by current regulations or by any contractual clauses;
data controller: the data controller is No. 80 Huacheng West Road,Yongkang City, Zhejiang, China, con sede in Pegognaga (MN), Via J.F. Kennedy n. 12, in the person of its temporary legal representative;
data protection officer: the company has appointed a DPO pursuant to Article 37 of the GDPR and can be contacted for requests for information or clarifications at the email address
dpo@lavor.comData: 20/03/2020
The data controller
No. 80 Huacheng West Road,Yongkang City, Zhejiang, China
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Questo sito utilizza diversi tipi di cookie. Alcuni cookie sono collocati da servizi di terzi che compaiono sulle nostre pagine.
In qualsiasi momento è possibile modificare o revocare il proprio consenso dalla Dichiarazione dei cookie sul nostro sito Web.
Scopra di più su chi siamo, come può contattarci e come trattiamo i dati personali nella nostra Informativa sulla privacy.
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Dichiarazione Cookie aggiornata l'ultima volta il 2022/5/22 da Cookiebot:
I cookie necessari contribuiscono a rendere fruibile il sito web abilitandone funzionalità di base quali la navigazione sulle pagine e l'accesso alle aree protette del sito. Il sito web non è in grado di funzionare correttamente senza questi cookie.
__cf_bm | Hubspot | Questo cookie è usato per distinguere tra umani e robot. Questo è utile per il sito web, al fine di rendere validi rapporti sull'uso del sito. | 1 giorno | HTTP Cookie |
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embed/v3/counters.gif | Hubspot | Utilizzato per implementare moduli sul sito. | Session | Pixel Tracker |
PHPSESSID | | Preserva gli stati dell'utente nelle diverse pagine del sito. | Session | HTTP Cookie |
rc::a | Google | Questo cookie è usato per distinguere tra umani e robot. Questo è utile per il sito web, al fine di rendere validi rapporti sull'uso del sito. | Persistent | HTML Local Storage |
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I cookie statistici aiutano i proprietari del sito web a capire come i visitatori interagiscono con i siti raccogliendo e trasmettendo informazioni in forma anonima.
__hssc | Hubspot | Identifica se i dati dei cookie devono essere aggiornati nel browser del visitatore. | 1 giorno | HTTP Cookie |
__hssrc | Hubspot | Utilizzato per riconoscere il browser dell'utente al momento del rientro sul sito web. | Session | HTTP Cookie |
__hstc | Hubspot | Imposta un ID univoco per la sessione. Ciò consente al sito web di ottenere dati sul comportamento dei visitatori a fini statistici. | 179 giorni | HTTP Cookie |
_dc_gtm_UA-# | Google | Utilizzato dal Google Tag Manager per controllare il caricamento di uno script tag di Google Analytics. | 1 giorno | HTTP Cookie |
_ga | Google | Registra un ID univoco utilizzato per generare dati statistici su come il visitatore utilizza il sito internet. | 2 anni | HTTP Cookie |
_ga_# | Google | Utilizzato da Google Analytics per raccogliere dati sul numero di volte che un utente ha visitato il sito internet, oltre che le dati per la prima visita e la visita più recente. | 2 anni | HTTP Cookie |
_gid | Google | Registra un ID univoco utilizzato per generare dati statistici su come il visitatore utilizza il sito internet. | 1 giorno | HTTP Cookie |
collect | Google | Utilizzato per inviare dati a Google Analytics in merito al dispositivo e al comportamento dell'utente. Tiene traccia dell'utente su dispositivi e canali di marketing. | Session | Pixel Tracker |
hubspotutk | Hubspot | Imposta un ID univoco per la sessione. Ciò consente al sito web di ottenere dati sul comportamento dei visitatori a fini statistici. | 179 giorni | HTTP Cookie |
I cookie di marketing vengono utilizzati per tracciare i visitatori sui siti web. La finalità è quella di presentare annunci pubblicitari che siano rilevanti e coinvolgenti per il singolo utente e quindi di maggior valore per editori e inserzionisti di terze parti.
__ptq.gif | Hubspot | Sends data to the marketing platform Hubspot about the visitor's device and behaviour. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels. | Session | Pixel Tracker |
_fbp | Meta Platforms, Inc. | Utilizzato da Facebook per fornire una serie di prodotti pubblicitari come offerte in tempo reale da inserzionisti terzi. | 3 mesi | HTTP Cookie |
_gcl_au | Google | Utilizzato da Google AdSense per sperimentare l'efficacia pubblicitaria su tutti i siti web che utilizzano i loro servizi. | 3 mesi | HTTP Cookie |
fr | Meta Platforms, Inc. | Utilizzato da Facebook per fornire una serie di prodotti pubblicitari come offerte in tempo reale da inserzionisti terzi. | 3 mesi | HTTP Cookie |
IDE | Google | Utilizzato da Google DoubleClick per registrare e produrre resoconti sulle azioni dell'utente sul sito dopo aver visualizzato o cliccato una delle pubblicità dell'inserzionista al fine di misurare l'efficacia di una pubblicità e presentare pubblicità mirata all'utente. | 1 anno | HTTP Cookie |
pagead/1p-user-list/# | Google | Monitora se l'utente ha mostrato interesse per specifici prodotti o eventi su più siti web e rileva come l'utente naviga tra i siti. Viene usato per valutare le attività pubblicitarie e facilita il pagamento delle commissioni per il reindirizzamento tra i siti. | Session | Pixel Tracker |
pagead/landing [x2] | Google | Raccoglie dati sul comportamento dei visitatori da più siti web, al fine di presentare annunci pubblicitari più pertinenti. Ciò consente inoltre al sito web di limitare il numero di volte che un visitatore viene mostrato lo stesso annuncio. | Session | Pixel Tracker |
tr | Meta Platforms, Inc. | Utilizzato da Facebook per fornire una serie di prodotti pubblicitari come offerte in tempo reale da inserzionisti terzi. | Session | Pixel Tracker |